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Upcoming Tournaments

Yu-Gi-Oh! Indonesia Championship 2018

by Dimas Adiputra
Last Update: 13 August 2018 18:09:32

What is the Yu-Gi-Oh! Indonesia Championship?

Yu-Gi-Oh! Indonesia Championship (YIC) is an annual event held by Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG community in Indonesia since 2015. In this event, the duelist (Yu-Gi-Oh! player) from all the places in Indonesia can gather and compete against each other at the most prestigious stage. By winning so will grant the title of “Strongest Duelist in Indonesia”.

Aside from the main tournament, this year YIC will also hold other public events, such as YGO coaching clinic and mini games at Committee booth for newcomer, with chances to win limited edition accessories. There also will be a 3 vs 3 team duel on 2nd day for those who wants to experience different kind of duel.

Event Details

Date: 8th to 9th of September, 2018 (Saturday - Sunday)


Tower Cafe

Jl. Banjarsari Selatan No 49B Semarang

Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/cvKh9bpKxDC2

Format for Yu-Gi-Oh! Indonesia Championship – Semarang 2018

YIC will be Advanced Constructed format events, using the latest Forbidden & Limited Cards List, where only OCG Japanese, Asia-English or Traditional-Chinese cards are allowed to be used in the tournament.

YIC 2018 Main Event

Entry Fee 150000 IDR

Welcome Gifts 4 YGO Booster Packs + Lunch

YIC 2018 will consist of several preliminary rounds that will be conducted in Swiss-style format, followed by a top cut playoffs. Details as follows:

Up to 32 Duelists:

5 rounds of Swiss on Saturday, followed by Top 8 Single-Elimination on Saturday also

33 to 64 Duelists:

6 rounds of Swiss on Saturday, followed by Top 16 Single-Elimination on Sunday

Above 64 Duelists:

7 rounds of Swiss on Saturday, followed by Top 16 Single-Elimination on Sunday

Main Event Regulation

1. Format: OCG advanced constructed deck new banlist 2018

2. Card pool: OCG JA & JP

3. Compulsory to use Double Sleeve such as:

- inner + mini

- mini + double

Mini size is equal to Ultra Pro sleeve size for YGO

4. Match:

1 round total waktu max 47 menit berisi:

35 menit main match

12 menit max extra time

Extra time diberlakukan aturan 3turn

-Dimulai dari turn player dimana end time terjadi sebagai hitungan 0, next turn 1, next turn hitungan 2, next turn hitungan 3 (last turn), dengan waktu maks tiap turn 3min

-Jika waktu 3min berakhir akan langsung dianggap end turn, dan dilanjutkan k turn berikutnya (tidak ada penambahan aksi apapun yang terjadi)

-Jika merasa lawan stalling silahkan panggil judge, lanjutkan permainan sementara judge menilai keadaan (tidak ada penambahan waktu)

-Jika setelah 3turn tidak ada perbedaan life point, dan masih ada waktu maka dilanjutkan dengan turn-by-turn basis dengan life point tertinggi di end turn adalah pemenang

-Jika terjadi turn-by-turn dan belum ada pemenang hingga waktu habis maka game dinyatakan draw

*Jika end time terjadi saat game baru saja berakhir, dan belum terjadi draw phase di game berikutnya maka, akan dilanjutkan extra game dengan ketentuan sama seperti ketentuan 3turn dengan beberapa tambahan

-No siding

-1st turn di tentukan melalui dice roll

- 4 turn dengan 1st turn player sebagai hitungan 1 (tiap player 2 turn), max 3min tiap turn

*Jika masih ada sisa game saat round end maka

-Jika 0-0 / 1-1 masih blm selesai dalam 47 min, dinyatakan draw

-Jika 1-0 / 0-1 masih blm selesai dalam 47 min, player yg mendapatkan win game yg dinyatakan menang

5. Warning:

- Tingkat Warning dr Judge

1x warning = peringatan

2x warning = game loss

3x warning = disq

- Kondisi pemberian warning jika :

a. stalling

b. miss rule

c. cheating

d. stacking (no shotgun shuffle)

- dll

semakin berat, semakin bnyak warning yg didapat dr 1 pelanggaran

6. Ruling:

- Diperbolehkan memanggil judge jika player bingung tentang ruling kartu (setelah player mengaktifkan kartu tersebut).

-Judge tidak akan intervensi permainan kecuali player bertanya (setelah play dilakukan) atau terjadi pelanggaran ruling serius

-Jika judge menemukan pelanggaran ruling yang tidak disadari oleh kedua player, intervensi dan warning (jika diperlukan) akan dilakukan setelah game tersebut berakhir

Main Event Prize


Zenfone Max Pro

1 SOFU Box

Champion Trophy

Exclusive Champion Playmat


Mi Band 2

1 DBHS box

Runner-Up Trophy

Exclusive Top 4 Playmat



8 DBHS Boosters

Top 4 Medals

Exclusive Top 4 Playmat

4thPower Bank

7 DBHS Boosters

Top 4 Medals

Exclusive Top 4 Playmat

5th - 8th

6 SOFU Boosters

Top 8 Medals

9th - 16th

6 DBHS Boosters

Yukionna Key chain

Exclusive Champion Playmat

Exclusive Top 4 Playmat

YIC 2018 Side Event


Before The Event

Deck list need to be submitted during the player meetings, right before the main tournament begin. Deck lists must be filled based on the contents of your deck (including cards in Main, Side and Extra deck). You can get a Deck List form by downloading it from here.

Other tournament equipment should be brought by the player himself such as dice, counter, calculator, paper, pen, etc.

All cards in your deck (including Main, Side and Extra deck) must use card sleeves/protector. Double layer deck sleeves such as inner sleeve + YGO sleeve OR YGO sleeve + outer sleeve are allowed. Players must use the same color protector and printer for their Main and Side deck, and must use a different color protector for their Extra deck.

(Note: Duelists are only allowed to use Yu-Gi-Oh! Official card sleeves or solid color card sleeves without any designs).




Judge team will consist of 1 Head Judge and x Floor Judges.

As token of appreciation for judges on duty in the event, they’ll receive this exclusive Judge playmat.